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Image by Crispin Jones

Monthly News Reading (June 2024)

There’s something in the air today, some little spark of mischief. The weather is as changeable as my state of mind and the many colours of life are as full and vibrant as the ideas about the future that fill my head… it could only be Gemini season!


Gemini, the sign of duality, intellect, communication. A friend to the Air Spirit, a friend to the mind and usually my favourite time of year! But after the earthy, grounded Taurus season of gradual movement and a calm mental state, this new intellectual energy has been presenting a bit of a challenge. I called in some help from the Oracle for some insights into the blessings and challenges of the coming month and how best to embrace them.


Here’s a quick summary of the energies. If you’re looking for more depth - keep reading below!


Summary of Reading


  • Dive deep within to expand further without. 


  • Take action from the heart, hold space for being and let the doing do itself. 


  • Take time with decisions, envision with precision and watch out for shadows of comparison, impulsivity and the ego’s need for success as validation. 


  • Let go of expectations to allow the right opportunities to come towards you. Be ready to receive them with gratitude and embrace them with certainty. Make sure you are committed to seeing them through, no matter what. 


  • To create stable foundations for optimum growth, the seeds must first be rooted in the heart. What does this mean to you?


Full Reading: Expansion, Space and Commitment


First of all, the Expansion card flew out pretty swiftly to make a bold statement. Rightly so, since Jupiter moved into Gemini last weekend (where it will stay until June 9th, 2025), amplifying the expansive energies and calling forward a multitude of opportunities for growth. The question is, are we in a place to receive them? 


For new energy to enter our lives, we need to create the space for it to flow in. And for our deepest desires to present themselves as opportunities, we need to be in a state of believing we are truly worthy of them, certain of their alignment with our true purpose and committed to seeing them through, no matter what challenges we face along the way. It’s a time of doing, and as we are being called to action and continuously awakened to our purpose, we want to be making sure our intentions are pure and of the deepest, most loving kind. 


After all, we reap what we sow!


It can be easy to get caught up in the quick-paced energy of Gemini, there are so many exciting things to be done, so many ideas to think up, things to create… but are we holding space for being? You’ll notice on the opposite side to the Expansion card lies the Depth of the Lake. These energies show us the polarities we can tap into to maintain balance.


In order to reach the heights of the expansive skies, we must first dive down deep into ourselves. 


Are there subconscious fears from past conditioning ruling our minds and pulling us into a state of lack? Are there impulsive thoughts creating actions stemmed from fear and control rather than a surrender to what is and will be, regardless of our personal desires? 


In Gemini’s duality, the strength of the ego can be a force to be reckoned with. Be careful to notice where you might be comparing yourself with others. Sometimes, the images presented to us of other people’s lives, journeys, successes & failures can bring about a sense of lack or false ego-centred validation in ourselves. It can bring up feelings of unworthiness, or perhaps insecurity masked as a false sense of superiority. 


Remember, everybody is walking their own path, in their own way, at their own pace and honestly there’s nothing we can do but accept it. We must have true faith in our own way to find joy in the surrender to it. Otherwise, we’ll simply create more and more resistance and bring about our own suffering within it.  


So how do we work with this? We can call on the Solidity energy, the centre card of the Inner Core, bringing balance between the depths and the heights of our consciousness. The Source of life that lies beneath our personal identity. The deep, inner silence that we simply must honour and create space for at any possible moment, however small that moment might be. This is how we reach the serene quality of mind that true joy can arise from. Then, we can bring a new energy to our external world.

osawa takuya, Quiet 2021.jpeg

In this time, we really need to be looking at the bigger picture of our dreams and desires, discovering the truth of them and taking our time to research and be sure of our decisions to take right action towards fulfilling them. This way, we bypass fears of the mind or ego-centred intentions of success, cutting straight through to purity, integrity and fulfilment of purpose. 


Trust me, the Soul knows exactly what it needs to do. The only thing in the way of this liberated action is our need to know, control or analyse the outcome.


It all lives in the mind, and Gemini season may ask us to really take a look at the ways our relationship with the ego-mind is keeping us looping in the same patterns, manifesting the same situations to learn the same lessons time and time again. 


Now is the perfect chance to bring awareness to these thoughts, witnessing them without judgement, observing the resistance they create and allowing them to dissolve into nothing as we gracefully move towards Cancer season. By feeling (not thinking) our way forward, we can centre back into the Home of our Soul and take empowered action from the heart. A new way to live, peacefully surrendered to the path that presents itself before us. 


Huge blessings, love and support for your journey with these energies, and I’ll see you next time in the soft, emotional waters of Cancer season seeking new insights and enjoying a shift in perspective!

Quiet, 2021, Osawa Takuya

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