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Image by Crispin Jones

Surrendering to the Water and Arriving Home (July 2024)

It’s been an interesting time of change. From what I’ve seen, many of us have been experiencing some darker emotions this week. For me, I’ve noticed a turn to the past. Revisiting old wounds, wading through harmful mind patterns and getting reacquainted with some former conditioned version of me that wants to control every part of the change I’ve been experiencing. With Saturn turning retrograde on June 29th, it’s no wonder that these karmic, ancestral wounds are showing themselves again. But we’ve been here before, and as always, we’ll come through the other side. 


I had been struggling to stay afloat through this heavy emotion sickness, until I realised (with a bit of relief) that if the Water wants to take me deep into her depths, I’ve really no choice but to allow her. 


I remembered that there’s no use in fighting the process, the only thing I can do is Surrender. 


We recently shifted from Air to Water through some enormous energies of the Summer Solstice. Meanwhile, I played in the blazing fires of Africa, totally tuned out of the more subtle energies that help us make the transition from one phase to another. Then we were blasted with solar flares, heightening our sensitivity, illuminating our darkest shadows, pushing our bodies to the limit as we integrated the higher frequencies. It’s a lot, but to be aware of what is happening and present through the process is everything. Now I am home. Now I can let the water flow through my heart centre and listen to her once again. 


A call into deeper listening is one theme we can expect for the coming month. Since we entered into Cancer season, the mind chatter has probably calmed down. We are likely looking for a little respite after all of the excitement we experienced through the Gemini/Jupiter expansiveness, and Water is here to tell us that the secret lies in the heart. Following the heart, hearing the messages she has for us and continuously finding Love for ourselves through whatever process the Waters might bring up. 


As we enter into the pools, we first might be faced with some murky layers. We are asked to move through them so that they can be cleared. Thought patterns we thought were done and dusted could return to the surface. Emotions and feelings from the past might enter our awareness and long to be seen. Let’s try not to see this process as a burden, but an opportunity to get to the roots of anything still holding us in a place which doesn’t serve us. 


Remember, it is not happening to us, but for us,

so we can grow and release the patterns once and for all. 


Ask yourself - who is the one who resonates with these thoughts? Who is listening to them and allowing them to make decisions and rule your life? Is it truly You? Or a layer of conditioning that lies over your True Self? What part of yourself can be loved in order to release the unhealthy pattern or conditioning that’s being shown to you? Who is looking for validation, and how can you give this to yourself rather than seeking externally? How can self-love and devotion become the solution for it all?


If we can sit back and observe the many layers of healing and recognise that they are not us, we can remain in peace, finding Unconditional Love for the version of ourselves that once was trapped in this mindset and finding new ways through to a harmonious way of Being. 


Here we find our Liberation, here we enter into a state of Surrender to the Water and here we arrive Home to the Sacred Heart.​



This energy will carry us through to Leo season, a time of power and expression, confidence and boldness. The explosion of Leo energy can be a great pleasure, but we’ll want to be mindful of the presence of ego within it. Keep watching, keep observing. Is every move we make done for our highest good and as part of service to Self and others? Or is it serving our personal egoic desires? 


This kind of transformative energy can also bring high pressures, so don’t skip the lessons of the gentle, inner feminine flow in the meantime. We will very much need her presence to sustain balance once we’ve offered ourselves to the Fires. 


Safe travels through the waters, and I’ll meet you at the hearth as we ground the fiery energies and bring a new kind of balance to our innate power and soulful expression next month.

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