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Image by Crispin Jones

Boundaries, Belonging
& Infinite blessings

So we’re well into Leo season, the Lionsgate portal gateway is open and energies are definitely on the rise. The essence of the Lion is with us. The gentle spirit of strength with humility, loyalty and kindness. A power so fierce that it rarely needs to be expressed, instead it radiates from the core of lion's being as he wanders slowly along the path of devoted Love. The Lion arrived softly this year, a gentle paw on my shoulder, a quiet whisper into my ear asking - are you really showing up for yourself in the best way you possibly can?

Of course I am, was my first response. But then I took a good look around. My body was exhausted. My space was filled with an energy that wasn’t the potential of purity I knew it could be. At any one time, at least one of my duties to myself or others was being ever so slightly neglected. I guess not then, I said to the Lion. And so I had a choice. Continue as things were, mediocrely happy with where I’m at, or push myself through even further into my Soul’s potential. And this is where my boundaries became my best friend.


Boundaries are a Blessing

So often when we think of boundaries we think about setting them with other people. Protecting our energy, letting go of unhealthy attachments etc. etc. but truthfully, unless we have solid boundaries with ourselves, how can we really know what it means to set a boundary with somebody else?

Setting boundaries with ourselves means looking at where we are overexerting our energy. We might be taking on way too much, letting ‘doing’ override our need for rest, space and 'being', pushing ourselves beyond our means and consequently depleting our energy slowly but consistently. It’s this kind of energy depletion that stays under the radar, that’s until it suddenly creeps up on us and we end up burnt out with no motivation to carry on or unwell and unable to continue at all!


This is where boundaries can become our loyal & supportive friends.


Where can we reduce our activity, refill our cups and bring our focus back to ourselves? By prioritising this, we create the space, time and energy for the things we really want to do as well as the necessary actions to sustain our lives. We also make room for the kind of nourishing, supportive connection that comes from belonging to something.


Being a Part of Something

I know, being a part of a group isn’t always easy. Especially for those of us who are introverted, highly sensitive & empathic and pretty well accustomed to the silence of our own company. But hear me out! There are some things that we can’t give to ourselves. Yes, again I know, the spiritual community is always going on about how important it is to love ourselves, to take care of our own needs etc. and of course a certain amount of that is incredibly valuable… but life is a mirror! And seeing the light we are shining reflected back to us in the eyes of another, someone who truly sees us, is of equal value.

Sharing an interest, a passion or even just a resonance in thought and feeling is sometimes the strength and courage we need to carry on through a hard time. Leaning on each other, coming together for a project/activity or even just witnessing others on their beautiful journeys through life refills our cup and reminds us that we are not alone in this wild and wonderful existence. So, if that’s something you feel is lacking, just know that your community is out there waiting for you to take the step to join it.


And they need you just as much as you need them.


Giving Gratitude

Our collective I Ching reading has implied that the energies are picking up even more throughout August (if you want to be receiving the monthly readings, remember to sign up to the mailing list). But this increase in heat is a definite positive, it’s bringing us an entire new energy and a chance to align our inner voice with our external vision. It’s time to really make things happen. On August 1st we also have Lammas, a time of deep gratitude for the harvest and a chance to truly celebrate all of our wins, big or small.


What are you harvesting? The first signs of your dream coming to life? The chance to make a positive change for yourself? Fresh fruits and vegetables and nourishment from the land? Moments of peace and restful reflection? Whatever it is, be sure to offer thanks to those who make it all possible, and watch as your gratitude expands and transforms into infinite blessings. With earthy Virgo waiting for us towards the end of the month, the possibility of shifting and creating our realities exactly as we envision is real.


Let’s keep our cool and look to the earth and the waters for sanctuary if things get a little too fiery.


I’ll see you over there for a time of order and replenishment after this period of ignition. Remember, discomfort is the fertile soil in which growth can take place! It's time to step up and express our magnificence. After all,  fortune favours the brave.

Lots of love x

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