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Image by Rui Xu

VII. Beloved


If my emotions are You,

Then why do they come with such heaviness?

If my mind is You,

Why does it bring such deceit?

If my emptiness is You,

Then why is it so well disguised?

If my body is You,

Why does it plague me with this fatigue?


Where has the seed become spoilt

When yesterday I stood strong in your arms


How did I lose You

After such a short glimpse of Your Love


To be Loved by You left me needing nothing else 


So why does my mind seek validation

From those who do not honour Your name

How has this sadness

Been born from such delight

How did the roots turn rotten

At one rising of the moon


The call only to separate

From them

So that I might be closer

to You

Because once more I find myself alone

Surrounded by hundreds

And each time

I think I am strong enough

And each time I deceive myself


For I cannot survive where You are not present

I cannot survive where there is not Your love

How I long to sail across the sea


To face my fears in solitude

Brings me closer to Your love

That is in my heart 

VIII. Sacrifice


The tunnel is darker than I anticipated

And I know this is Your work

I know this is my sacrifice

My devotion is still unfaltering


The emotions weigh heavy in my heart

My tears fall upon Your pages

Sacred tears of an Angel 

My heart simply empties

So that it may be replaced with Yours


Never could I speak of such majesty

Never could I trust another

To comprehend what I feel for You 

Unless they reside in Your heart beside me 


I must continue to walk my path

Words bring only further grief

Let me sink into death

So that I might feel your Love

In Wholeness once more 

IX. If only 


Beloved, I trust that you have my best interests at heart

Even if right now, it is hard to see

My sacred faith remains

Though my mind is persistent in fighting it


It brings me fear

When you bring only solutions

To the challenges you set

To strengthen my Soul


If only I could not hear its taunting

If the poison was cleansed

And replaced with the emptiness

In which You reside

If only

X. Give me Your Grace


My mission here

To see through the deception of the mind

That I might be free in all of my doings

That I would not fear discomfort

That the experience itself

Would become the comfort zone

Regardless of what surrounds me


It feels like a long way to travel

But is it so far?

Of course not, it is already here

In the depths of my surrender to You

There is my peace amidst any adversity


I will reach it only in silence

Not the silence of my environment

But the silence within

Behind the mind

Underneath it all

That is where I find, You and I

I will fight it no longer

Give me Your Grace

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