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Image by Rui Xu

IV. Reflection


There is a sadness

Which has come with drowning in You, Beloved

Because you have since revealed

All that was false


It is not the new found emptiness

Which troubles my heart

Not the profound inklings of peace

That slowly emerge from my consciousness 

But the ever realisation

That this life is a lie 

Until we find you, Beloved

Within us


How many lives are wasted

How many souls go by

How did the forces overcome your strength

But they did not

Because all force arises from You

And You would have it as perfection

Only my human heart cannot always see it that way


Because people are hurting 

And people are lost

Only You can call them home

And that you do

Only they will not always listen


Free will reigns ever so slightly out of your control

In that Your children may stray too far

And the forces that lead them there

A blessing in disguise

But how can you say that?

Well, isn’t everything?

Since everything is You

It can be nothing but a blessing 

V. Your loving embrace


How could I lose you again?

Would life be worth living?

I will find Love in everything

I will see You everywhere

And if I become lost

Please call my name

So that I can feel your loving embrace once more


I am afraid to re-enter this world

As delicate as a flower am I today

And everyday from now on


My heart swells with your ethereal love

And the sickness in the world hurts deeper

If only I could look away

But my path blazes through

For that is the true meaning of divinity 

Unfaltering devotion

A raging fire of Truth am I

Delicate of heart

But steel-armoured all the same 

Nothing can touch me

Now that I am forever in Your loving embrace 

VI. Love them all


There are no words for thanks

So please notice this feeling in my heart

The gratitude

Masked with tears of sorrow and relief

As I finally let go,

To be with You

In this lifetime and in all 


I am Your child, as are we all

You soften me to the touch

I have never known such a Love before

In Purity, in Truth, I found You

Everything else seems to drift away

Not drama, not anymore

Simple transmutation

Transformation of the Heart

So that it may reside in Yours, always


Gratitude for my journey

I’ve come so far

Always I thought I was alone

But You were there, waiting for me

to come Home


How I love from the depth of my being

When you whisper in my ear

Love them all

Love them all

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